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Minggu, 02 Agustus 2009

Al Qaeda Menyusup ke Intelijen Inggris

LONDON - MI5 menghadapi masalah serius karena kebobolan dalam merekrut personel intelijen di Inggris. Beberapa simpatisan Al Qaeda dilaporkan telah menyusup dalam dinas intelijen Inggris.

Military Intelligent Section 5 (MI5), merupakan dinas keamanan di Inggris yang memiliki ruang lingkup kerja dalam bidang intelijen.

Anggota parlemen dari Konservatif Inggris, Patrcik Mercer, menuntut penyelidikan atas masuknya enam orang Muslim yang diduga pernah memiliki kedekatan dengan Al Qaeda.

Dua di antaranya bahkan dilaporkan pernah mendapat pelatihan militer Al Qaeda di beberapa kamp di Pakistan.

Mercer yang juga masuk dalam komite anti-terorisme parlemen, menyatakan bahwa Ml5 diyakini lengah karena merekrut simpatisan Al Qaeda itu. Sementara yang lainnya dituding pernah dekat dengan kelompok Al Qaeda. Mercer menganggap mereka direkrut tanpa melalui pemeriksaan sesuai prosedur.

Mercer menuntut juga meminta klarifikasi bagaimana MI5 mampu mendeteksi infiltrasi musuh ke dalam tubuh dinas rahasia Inggris itu.

"Ini merupakan tugas MI5, MI6, dan dinas rahasia lainnya. Tentu mereka direkrut dari berbagai latar belakang. Namun pada kenyataanya ini sangat berrisiko. Sebuah organisasi terlarang masuk dan mencoba menginfiltrasi," papar Mercer seperti dikutip Sky News, Minggu (2/8/2009).

Sementara juru bicara pemerintah menyatakan, "harus dilakukan pemeriksaan dengan sangat serius."

"Seluruh anggota intelijen harus direkrut dengan proses pemerikaan yang menyeluruh di Inggris," demikian diungkapkan juru bicara tersebut.

Sumber :
Anton Suhartono
Baca Selengkapnya - Al Qaeda Menyusup ke Intelijen Inggris

Pidato SBY Disambut Positif oleh Anggota DPR

JAKARTA - Pidato Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) di Rapat Paripurna Luar Biasa DPR mendapat sambutan positif dari seluruh tamu undangan yang hadir.

Pantauan okezone di lokasi, Senin (3/8/2009), selama menyampaikan pidato nota keuangan dan RAPBN 2010, SBY dihujani sembilan kali tepuk tangan dari para tamu, termasuk pimpinan dan anggota DPR.

Selain itu, dua tepuk tangan kembali membahana saat SBY akan meninggalkan podium. Sebelumnya, SBY juga disambut tepuk tangan saat akan naik podium untuk memulai pidatonya.

SBY berpidato di depan anggota DPR untuk menjelaskan RAPBN 2010. Dalam pidatonya SBY juga menjanjikan adanya perbaikan kesejahteraan bagi pegawai negeri dan TNI/Polri.

Dalam RAPBN 2010, alokasi anggaran belanja pegawai Rp161,7 triliun, naik sekira Rp28 triliun atau 21 persen dari perkiraan realisasinya pada 2009. Alokasi tersebut antara lain untuk memperbaiki penghasilan aparatur negara dan pensiunan, gaji pokok dan pensiunan pokok rata-rata lima persen, pemberian gaji dan pensiun bulan ke-13.

Selain itu ada kenaikan uang makan dan lauk pauk bagi TNI dan Polri dari Rp35 ribu menjadi Rp40 ribu, serta uang makan pegawaiu negeri sipil pusat (PNS) pusat dari Rp15 ribu per hari kerja menjadi Rp20 ribu per hari kerja. (lam)(mbs)

Sumber :
Insaf Albert Tarigan
Baca Selengkapnya - Pidato SBY Disambut Positif oleh Anggota DPR

HP Mini 1000

Ini adalah hasil review produk dari PC World :

HP's second-generation mini-notebook falls in the middle of the current netbook pack due to performance tests.

HP's second-generation foray into the mini-laptop space, also known as netbooks--the HP Mini 1000--has a couple of advantages over its predecessor (the HP 2133, which we reviewed back in early April). Gone is the Via C-7M processor; gone, too, is the pipe dream that any current netbook could handle Windows Vista (the Mini 1000 runs Windows XP). The Mini 1000 that we received for testing packs Intel's 1.6-GHz Atom processor; 1GB of RAM; a 4200-rpm, 60GB PATA hard disk; and Windows XP. Translation: It falls in place with the rest of the current mini-notebook pack.

The Windows XP version, available as of today, starts at $399. The model we reviewed, as outlined above, will set you back $549. That price instantly pushes it to the high end of the mini-notebook category--and to nearly as much as a full-blooded all-purpose laptop.

If anyone asked me what I would have done to change HP's first mini-note, the aforementioned HP 2133, I'd have had a pretty cut-and-dried checklist: Add a more capable CPU; amp up the RAM; use XP instead of Vista (one version of the 2133 used Vista Business Edition, no less); change the touchpad's design (I grew to hate the mouse buttons that flanked the pad's left and right sides); and if HP could, drop the price a little. But they'd better not mess with the keyboard, the speakers, or that sweet metallic shell.

This model incorporates many of those suggestions. However, in spite of its Atom processor, the Mini 1000 slips a little toward the back of the pack. Of course, I've learned to keep lowered expectations for netbooks--the average WorldBench score for the category hovers around 35. HP's Mini 1000 eked out a 30. So, while it's not nearly as speedy as Lenovo's IdeaPad S10 (which earned a 41), the Mini 1000 also is notably faster than both Dell's Inspiron Mini 9 (which crawled across the finish line posting a 25) and the original HP 2133, which scored a poky 23.

HP spokespeople feel comfortable saying that the 3-cell battery lasts about 3 hours. Our lab tests back up those claims. The HP Mini 1000 ran for two hours, 47 minutes before giving out. The only two mini-notes that lasted longer than the Mini 1000 in our tests: Dell's Mini 9 (with it's 4-cell battery) and Asus' Eee 1000H that came with a 6-cell battery (and lasted four hours, 32 minutes). HP plans to release an optional 6-cell battery wedge that sits below the Mini 1000 and props it up (it's due in January 2009, price to be determined).

While not in our test unit, HP briefed me on a forthcoming optional video processing chip that can go into the Mini 1000. I was tempted to wait until early 2009 (when HP spokespeople say the chip will be available) to see how much it'll boost performance. Unfortunately, the HP folks have nothing more to add at this time. We'll update as we learn more.

Not Heavy Metal
HP's new mini-note doesn't stop with just changes to its inside guts. This time, HP chose to use a 10.3-by-6.5-by-0.9-inch plastic shell, as opposed to the 2133's aluminum case. That metallic exterior made for a meaty, mature netbook: It didn't feel like a toy--it was something sturdy in your hands that could take a beating.

With the Mini 1000, you get a reasonably hard plastic lid with a groovy design on top. That makes it slightly more stylish than many mini-notes--but not much. Citing a lighter weight (2.25 pounds, as opposed to the 2.8-pound 2133) and lower production costs, HP sees the plastic as a better choice. Me? I'd prefer the heavy metal if only because of the gleaming lines and substantial feel.

I also wasn't a huge fan of the original touchpad, but this one is a little more tolerable. While I still think it's annoying to have the mouse buttons flanking the left and right sides of the touchpad, the implementation is a better this time around. The buttons are slightly raised and angled toward the mousepad and, if I'm ever annoyed, I can always disable the on-board mouse with a button touch. But why should I have to do that?

Thankfully, some things haven't changed--particularly, the size of the fantastic keyboard. The oversized, square keys looks like something that belongs on a full-size notebook. In fact, the main QWERTY and number buttons are large enough to fit your entire finger. No need to carefully hunt-and-peck on this keyboard.

I found the audio impressive, and it matched my experiences with the earlier model. The ingenious top-mounted speaker also serves as a sturdy hinge for the device; this design saves space. And while I'm not one to say that you could use the Mini 1000 as some incredibly dorky boombox, it does get decent audio without turning into a crackly mess.

The Screen, Unseen
Now, the 10.2-inch screen--like most glossy screens--is a little hit or miss. Indoors, you can easily make out what's happening on the 1024-by-600-pixel panel--and images look great. If you were to see the Mini 1000 on a store shelf, you'd likely be attracted to it like a very nerdy moth to a flame. Try taking it outside in direct sunlight, though, and you've got yourself a large portable mirror. It's still usable, but you really need to crank up the brightness all the way to see anything. Even then, I could easily shave myself with its reflection. (HP also offers a smaller version of this model, with an 8.9-inch screen; a tweener screen--10.1 inches--will be available later this year).

One thing I've always liked about Acer's Aspire One is how Acer put two SD card slots in the device. One was a little more recessed so that you could pop in extra memory and just let it sit there as additional storage. Here, HP is taking a cue from Acer--kind of. In the back right side of the device is a well-hidden and way-recessed USB slot. That allows you to pop in an additional 2GB, 4GB, or 8GB USB flash drive. The problem: Where Acer's solution lets you insert any card you have, HP has you buy their proprietary form-factor memory (Mini Mobile Drive) that wedges deep inside the machine. This approach isn't nearly as compelling as Acer's.

I also noticed that HP decided to cut out some of the inputs. The machine skimps a little by providing a shared headphone/mic jack, a 10/100 ethernet jack, two USB 2.0 ports, an SD Card reader, and a proprietary dongle port if you want to shoot out video to VGA. Just be prepared to shell out another 30 bucks for the VGA dongle. At least it has 802.11 b/g Wi-Fi and optional Bluetooth 2.1 to compensate for the lost ports. Also bank on 3G broadband, which will be available later this year.

As for the software, HP tries making a clean go of it on the Windows flavor of this machine. Our test unit came preinstalled with Microsoft Works, AIM 6, and an HP Wireless Assistant. While I salute the bloatless install, I quickly found myself missing a backup solution, like the one that Lenovo smartly packs into the IdeaPad S10.

HP also skimps on a detailed physical instruction manual. Instead, you get a glossy foldout sheet that basically shows you where the power button is and how to get to the computer's onboard Help & Support Center. It's a fairly handy series of links to the user manual, but it's just gussying up what Microsoft already offers in its operating system. To give credit where it's due, though, HP's Help & Support Center is a little more user-friendly.

The other bonus is a free six-month subscription to HP Upline. This online storage option covers three PCs, and appears similar to the services offered by Dell with its Inspiron Mini 9: A free basic account for Box.Net good for a couple gigs of online storage.

Other Models, Other OSs
HP doesn't offer only a Windows version of the Mini 1000. The Linu...sorry, HP...the Mobile Internet Experience version of the HP Mini 1000 is due to come out in January with a tiny 8GB or 16GB flash drive. That interface, while it looks fairly fresh, is still very much in a beta stage, so I'll reserve comment for now, but the initial demos show a very frosty--dare I say, "Vista-ish"?--interface. The MIE version of the Mini will cost about $380.

And probably the flashiest mini-note to date, set to arrive by mid-December, is a customized red take on the Mini designed by Vivienne Tam. The Asian-themed model comes with painted trees on the lid and a "Double Happiness" enter key. Umm, yeah. And proof that you can put a price on Double Happiness: You're paying $700 for the privilege of rocking this prêt-a-computer.

With the Mini 1000, HP does a good job keeping most of the things that worked on the 2133, while upping the performance and managing to cut prices in the process--well, not counting the fashionista-flavored model. Is a Mini 1000 right for you? If you're limiting your outdoor use (the glare can be a pain), this is a good choice; but it's not the swiftest mini-note on the block.

Sumber :
Darren Gladstone
Baca Selengkapnya - HP Mini 1000

HP Pavilion DV2

Ini adalah hasil review produk dari PC World :

The first laptop to use AMD's Athlon Neo processor, the HP Pavilion dv2 extends the range of ultraportables into the territory between notebooks and netbooks, delivering reasonable power for a moderate price.

Clear a space between what you consider a netbook and a notebook, because the Hewlett-Packard Pavilion dv2 defies simple categorization. Its combination of processor, price, and diminutive size finds that happy middle ground between a mini-laptop and a full-fledged ultraportable laptop. And starting at $749, the dv2 is the first laptop we've seen that features AMD's inexpensive Athlon Neo 1.6GHz MV-40 processor (formerly referred to as AMD's Yukon). Honestly, I'm pretty happy with AMD's poster child so far.

With the Intel Atom CPU, which powers most netbooks today, we got used to this notion of lowered expectations. Netbooks aren't meant to run Vista. They can't handle high-resolution video. Playing games was a pipedream. They have tiny screens.

The Pavilion dv2 aims to change those assumptions about mini-laptops. For $749--not much more than you'd pay for the HP Mini 2140--you get a 12.1-inch display, a 320GB 5400-rpm SATA hard drive, 4GB of RAM, and a discrete ATI Radeon HD 3410 GPU with 512MB of video memory, all packed into a 3.8-pound machine.

So how does it perform? Well, it depends on how you classify it. As an ultraportable, the dv2's a bargain-priced machine that only gets 45 in PC WorldBench 6 (an abysmally low score compared to other ultraportables). In the netbook race, the dv2 gets a scorching-fast 45 in WorldBench! In short, that performance is relative. On the bright side, the 6-cell battery lasts a hair under three hours. What is interesting, though are the variables you're not seeing. First, our test machine runs Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit edition (netbooks run with Windows XP).

Second, the video tests. Video streamed from Hulu looked crisp and clear. I also tried copying a high-definition recording of a TV show (3.36GB for a half-hour show) that I had recorded on a Media Center PC and then playing it back on the Pavilion dv2 at full screen. Though the show took a few seconds to get up and running, it looked great once it kicked into gear. 720p video samples ran smoothly...and while I'm at it, I actually was able to play a couple games on this not-quite-a-netbook. Real games, like Left 4 Dead. Granted, the optimal settings were 800 by 480-pixel resolution, but it played out well on the 12.1-inch screen. You try doing that with any other netbook on the market and tell me how well you do.

The Pavilion dv2 uses HP's 92-percent-of-full-size keyboard, with the same flat, wide keys that I've come to appreciate in members of the HP Mini series and in the Gateway UC7807u. On the other hand, given how the keyboard is laid out, HP could have made the keys even bigger. Not that typing is a chore at 92 percent scale, but it is noticeable. Also, prepare to squint if you plan on using the function keys that line the top of the keyboard. As on the HP Mini 1000 netbook, these undersize keys are barely present and require neck craning to see which function key is which.

In contrast, the smooth, mirrored touchpad is fantastic. It is responsive and wide enough that my fingers felt comfortable--not crammed together--when I used it to navigate the desktop. And the long, wide selection buttons are exactly where they should be (at the bottom of the touchpad).

The dv2's screen is no slouch, either. Capable of 1280-by-800-pixel resolution, this LED-backlit widescreen display looks good. Its glossy coating helps make images pop, though this also invites some sunlight-induced glare. But even when I ratcheted up the brightness, the display delivered an acceptable image: It just makes some colors on the brighter end of the spectrum seem a little more subdued.

As for the Pavilion dv2's design, the unit's trim lines and slickly coated, glossy black surface are snazzy and eye-catching. The unit measures 11.5 by 9.5 by 1.3 inches, and weighs just 3.8 pounds-definitely a lightweight eye-catcher. And yet it somehow still manages to squeeze in HDMI and VGA video outputs, three USB 2.0 ports, a PC Express Card slot, a flash-card reader, ethernet, and 802.11n Wi-Fi.

The front-firing Altec Lansing speakers sound hollow and tinny at best, but they're certainly not a step down from anything you'll find on competing netbooks. So plug in those headphones.

Unfortunately, HP continues to load its laptops with software that you'll want to uninstall the second you get home (games, demos, and the like). The one standout among the pre-installed apps is the handy HP Advisor bar, which camps atop your desktop. While it is borderline obtrusive, it provides a handy shortcut for online searches--and the PC Health & Security button is an excellent one-stop window for obtaining a full status report on your PC. If ultraportability is your bag, but you don't want to drop a fortune and you don't want to sacrifice too much performance, the recession-busting HP Pavilion dv2 is a fairly good bet. Just don't mistake it for a full-fledged, full-performance machine either.

Sumber :
Darren Gladstone
Baca Selengkapnya - HP Pavilion DV2

Fujitsu Lifebook M2010

Ini adalah hasil review produk dari PC World :

While it may come in flashy colors, the LifeBook M2010 is fairly plain as far as netbooks go--and it lags a little in battery life.

Fujitsu has dabbled in ultra-ultraportable machines for a while now, having released the LifeBook U810 and U820 tablet PCs. Now the company is ready to take baby steps into the netbook market, with its M2010. To be honest, though, this isn't the bold move that Fujitsu should have--or could have--made.

Fujitsu's M2010, according to company spokespeople, is geared a bit more toward kids. While not exactly child-size, the machine's keys seem reminiscent of the keyboard on the 10-inch Acer Aspire One: a little on the smaller side, but with perfectly serviceable buttons. At least the arrow keys are large on the M2010. And you'll need them--though the touchpad has a nice, textured surface, its size is about average for a netbook. That's hardly a crime, but since we're seeing new netbooks (like the Toshiba NB205) crop up with larger touchpads, I'm greedy and I want to see more, if only for the sake of my aching hands.

As for the screen, colors popped. Despite having the same screen size and glare-inducing coating as the Toshiba, and a slightly lower resolution (1024 by 576 pixels), the M2010 produced colors that seemed a little more vibrant and didn't get lost in the shadows.

Overall, the design of the Fujitsu M2010 is uninspired. Its two-tone, hard-plastic case can be eye-catching, depending on the color you order (our flashy red unit drew a couple of double takes here at the office), but this 2.5-pound netbook doesn't look much different from other models on the market. Its configuration--three USB ports, an SDHC card reader, a Webcam, one VGA-out, ethernet, and headphone and microphone jacks--is fairly standard, too.

Fujitsu doesn't add much to the mix beyond Bluetooth and a few bits of bundled software. Roxio Creator LJ saves files out to external drives, as does the simple but extremely effective MyRecovery software (a three-button interface for creating and restoring system backups). Otherwise, you get the standard-issue Windows XP netbook experience (Microsoft Works, 60-day trial of Microsoft Office and all).

The performance? Let's just say that it's fairly average in some cases. The guts of this wee PC vary little from those of most netbooks, consisting of a 1.6GHz Intel Atom N270 CPU, 1GB of RAM, and a 160GB 5400-rpm hard drive. And with a score of 34 on WorldBench 6, it falls right in line with the performance of most current netbooks. The battery life dragged down its score the most. Fujitsu claims that the M2010's three-cell battery hangs on for 2.5 hours, but it was more like 2 hours, 5 minutes in our tests. That's a far cry from what we've seen from machines like the Samsung N110, which lasted for over 8 hours in the same test conditions.

In the end, Fujitsu didn't produce a bad machine--just a fairly average one. In a market already brimming with wannabes, I would have liked to see Fujitsu deliver more-daring designs, such as what it did with the U810, the U820, and the N7010 (which embedded a second touchscreen into an all-purpose portable). Plenty of other netbooks offer better performance for less. Might I suggest the Asus Eee PC 1008HA?

Sumber :
Darren Gladstone
Baca Selengkapnya - Fujitsu Lifebook M2010

Lenovo Ideapad S10

Ini adalah hasil review produk dari PC World :

Faster than its mini-notebook brethren, the Lenovo S10 offers enough perks to make it a top pick for serious mobility.

Lenovo keeps thinking small. Recently the company delivered slim ultraportables such as the ThinkPad X200 and IdeaPad U110. Now it's jumping into the mini-notebook scene with the impressive IdeaPad S10. Despite its "mini" status, the S10 manages to house some big-boy features.

The S10's tiny, 9.8-by-7.3-by-0.9-inch frame is roughly the size of Acer's Aspire One. But while the Aspire One's screen measures only 8.9 inches, the S10 offers a relatively roomy 10.2-inch, 1024-by-600-resolution display. It's crisp and easily viewable at various angles, even though it isn't necessarily the brightest screen around.

This micro machine also houses the largest hard drive we've seen on a mini-notebook to date: Our model came with a 5400-rpm, 160GB platter-based hard disk. That's more than enough storage to accommodate Windows XP Home and the unit's minimal preinstalled software. The hard drive, though, is the most likely reason the S10 weighs a somewhat hefty 3.6 pounds--almost as much as a ThinkPad X200.

More impressive is how this model performs under pressure. The S10 has the same 1.6-GHz Intel Atom CPU and 1GB of RAM as most of the other mini-notebooks we've seen (such as the Acer Aspire One and Asus Eee 1000H 80G XP), yet it beats them all in performance. The IdeaPad S10 earned a score of 41 on the PC World Test Center's WorldBench 6 suite; it's hardly a speed demon, but it's fairly fast when you consider that the nearest competitor, with the same guts, received only a 37.

The S10 falls short in battery life, though. Its three-cell battery lasts only 2.5 hours before giving out. Although it does a little better than Acer's Aspire One, both lag behind other Atom-based mini-notebooks we've recently tested.

Even though this model's good-size keyboard doesn't match the luxurious tactile response of a ThinkPad, the S10's keys deliver one of the better experiences among the mini-notebooks we've seen. Put the S10 side by side with the MSI Wind and Eee 1000H, however, and you'll see that the S10's keys are a little scrunched by comparison. Regrettably, the mouse buttons are the clacky, tacky type; each button sinks too much and feels a little too loose.

The S10's speaker fares no better than those on most mini-notebooks: It delivers substandard sound that's barely audible since the maximum audio setting is fairly low. That's a slight disappointment since this model's sizable hard drive and satisfactory screen make it a good potential video and music player.

Lenovo wins some points for providing a bloat-free machine, and for supplying a handy recovery application, CyberLink OneKey Recovery 6.0. That app allows you to create backups, as well as to set partitions and restore points--a more flexible backup option than simply restoring the PC to factory-fresh condition. Lenovo even goes so far as to place a OneKey panic button at the top of the keyboard. It's a nice touch, and it's a nod to ThinkPad loyalists, who might consider it a "lite" version of the ThinkVantage button.

If you're looking for a big, beefy hard drive and surprisingly sprightly performance from a mini-notebook, the IdeaPad S10 is a solid pick. If the S10's slightly cramped keyboard and loose mouse buttons are deal breakers for you, Asus's Eee 1000H would suit you much better. Though the Eee 1000H has a little more girth, it will definitely get you through your next business trip.

Sumber :
Darren Gladstone
Baca Selengkapnya - Lenovo Ideapad S10

Acer Aspire ONE AOD150

Ini adalah hasil review produk dari PC World :

Acer follows its popular Aspire One netbook with a slightly sleeker model.

I love it when a company sees fit to shake things up a little and cook up some crazy new design. The Acer Aspire One AOD150 is not that netbook. In fact, many of the changes made from the original Aspire One make the AOD150 seem more like everything else on the market. And that isn't necessarily a good thing.

Seem a little harsh? Let me put this in perspective: The original, 8.9-inch screen model packed a huge keyboard onto a fairly tiny frame. That keyboard was practically dripping over the sides and I was genuinely impressed for the effort. Here, with its new 10.1-inch screen (which looks great), I'd expect a little more room to work with. Instead, you get the same still-short-of-full-size keyboard. It's not tiny, but Acer could've made an effort to space out the buttons a little more.

The next big switchup is the touchpad. At first glance, I was ready to dance a jig because the left and right buttons flanking the touchpad surface were gone. Just a single, simple mouse button bar. In and of itself, not necessarily a bad thing. But then I tried using it. Exerting a shaolin monk's concentration, you need to really want to hit that button in order to get it working. With very little give, it's hard to know when you've made contact and the way that it's recessed into the wrist rest makes it a little more difficult to use than the mouse on the first Aspire One. At least the new touchpad has a multitouch functionality, so that scrolling and browsing is a little less headache-inducing.

The only other change for the (slightly) worse is the second-gen Aspire One ditches the original's second SDHC Card slot. Not a major bummer, because this machine has a reasonably large 160GB hard disk drive.

Now, back to that new 10.1-inch display: I really do love this 1024-by-600-pixel screen. It's crisp, with good color reproduction and, quite frankly, it feels like this machine was built around the gorgeous screen. Its dimensions are relatively slim (one thing that hasn't changed too much from the original) measuring 10.2 by 8.0 by 1.31 inches. That makes it slighter than comparable netbooks with a 10.1-inch screen. The Aspire One is also very solidly constructed, ready to get knocked around in a bag.

The second-generation Aspire One's performance is in line with what we'd expect from its components: 1GB of RAM and a 1.6-GHz Intel Atom N270 CPU. It achieved a score of 35 in our PC WorldBench 6 tests, an average score based on what we've seen with this configuration in other netbooks.

One thing that isn't quite standard is the battery that came with our machine. Our test unit arrived with a 5800mAH battery. Don't get too excited, though: This battery will not be a standard config in any of the units here in the U.S., and Acer doesn't even know when this longer-life battery will be available separately. The standard configuration usually comes with a 6-cell 4400mAH battery. Usually.

Here's where it gets goofy: According to a spokesperson, in the hurry to get units to store shelves, some of the machines shipped with higher-powered batteries, instead of the standard. It's like some kind of Willy Wonka move, but instead of a golden ticket, you have a chance you'll get a better battery and not get charged for it.

If you get lucky, you'll be thrilled: In the PC World Test Center's battery life test, the Aspire One lasted an amazing 8 hours, 34 minutes with the supercharged battery. Since the odds are more likely you'll get the 4400mAH power, though, we are scoring this machine based upon the reasonably impressive 6 hours, 38 minutes. It's funny -- last time around the Aspire One got dinged for its poor battery life and celebrated for its large keyboard. This time around it's almost the reverse. Am I in Bizzaro world?

The software on the machine is fairly minimal. The only things of note here are a 30-day trial for an online backup solution (my advice, Acer: check out what Asus is doing -- its netbook comes with 10GB of free online storage for 18 months) and eSobi, a news and RSS feed reader.

Not much else has changed, though, between the two Aspire One models. The ports are the same: Three USB 2.0 ports, VGA out, ethernet jack, webcam and microphone . . . it even has the same $350 price tag. And honestly, I think a good chunk of that money went into the screen. It shows. But at the end of the day, I feel like the Aspire One moved on, but I'm not 100 percent sold that the developers have taken these guys in the right direction.

The new Acer Aspire One has some strong points, but even better netbooks are on the market now, and more are on the way. If you want in on the battery lottery for the long-life battery, then go for it, but even the included battery will give you solid day-long performance, That said, I'd still recommend that you take a peek at what Asus offers with the Eee PC 1000HE. I'm digging that netbook a whole lot more and it only costs a few dollars more.

Sumber :
Darren Gladstone
Baca Selengkapnya - Acer Aspire ONE AOD150

Samsung N110

Ini adalah hasil review produk dari PC World :

Samsung's fast follow-up to the NC10 fixes a couple small issues to create a better netbook--and it manages to eke even more battery life out of the same tiny frame.

I'm going to lay this out to you straight: The Samsung N110 is, at its core, a slightly revamped take on the company's NC10. A bit of streamlining (better plastics and a slimmer profile) here and a couple tweaks (immense improvement on the mouse button) all adds up to polishing away blemishes found on the original version. So if you find some echoes between the two reviews, they're entirely intentional.

Samsung has made an interesting decision to switch from the matte screen on the NC10 to the glossy side of the force. It doesn't matter all that much: The 10.1-inch, 1024-by-600-pixel panel works reasonably in all sorts of lighting conditions. What's notable is that, in a side-by-side comparison, the glossy finish didn't really make the screen on the N110 pop that much more--but it did introduce a bit of glare. I'd almost prefer sticking with the matte screen of the NC10.

Thank goodness Samsung has addressed the troublesome touchpad buttons of its older netbook. On that machine you have to push the button down below the surface in order for the action to register. As a result, if you press the left side of the single-button bar, the right side of the bar juts up. On the N110, the company has fixed the problem quickly and easily by changing the molding on the casing. Even though the dimensions haven't changed from those of the NC10 (10.3 by 7.3 by 1.5 inches), the N110 feels a little more slender. And since Samsung built this mouse button into the curved bottom, it hits the hands more naturally. Generally it seems more secure.

What hasn't changed a whole lot is the keyboard. The buttons satisfy, and the firm, solid keys give a little as you press down. The feel is reminiscent of what you find on the Lenovo IdeaPad S10. Lacking any extra shortcut buttons (like the S10), the N110 comes across as a semi-stylish but bland netbook on the surface. Of course, it all comes down to personal taste. For instance, I think the HP Mini 1000 makes better use of that same amount of space with its wide, flat keyboard.

Otherwise, you're getting the standard-issue layout for a netbook: an SD card reader, three USB 2.0 ports, VGA, ethernet, 802.11b/g Wi-Fi, headphone and microphone jacks, and a Webcam. And don't forget the tinny speakers--the curse of most netbooks.

If you're familiar with netbooks at all, you know not to expect them to be speed demons. No exception here: The 1.6GHz Intel Atom N270 CPU and 1GB of RAM in the N110 motored through our WorldBench 6 tests with the same verve we saw from the initial pack of netbooks using the same processor. It scored a hair higher than Samsung's previous model, earning a middle-of-the-road mark of 36. Also unremarkable is the fact that the machine comes with a 160GB hard drive. Where it does shine, though, is in the battery-life department: The N110 ran for a staggering 8 hours, 23 minutes. That's long by any stretch--and by netbook standards, it outdoes the competition without having to use an overly meaty battery. The system weighs only 2.7 pounds.

The feature attractions, in my humble opinion, lie in the bundled software package. Samsung Recovery Solution III is a handy backup and system-restore program that even throws in a couple of suggestions regarding the possible causes of your machine's problems, giving you a recommended course of backup action to resolve the matter. Easy Network Manager lets you quickly and effortlessly connect to networks; it's a superfluous bit of software for anyone remotely savvy enough, but it puts a pretty face on the standard Windows XP option. I even like the well-annotated and easily navigable digital user guide. I'm not kidding--I wish every netbook came this well prepared for battle.

Offering an improved mouse button and impressive battery life, the Samsung N110 would make a great choice for your next road trip. At $470, it isn't by any means the cheapest netbook on the block, but it certainly is a handsome, functional one. While I salute Samsung for correcting design flaws present in the NC10, I'd have preferred to see this the first time around.

Sumber :
Darren Gladstone
Baca Selengkapnya - Samsung N110

Samsung N120

Ini adalah hasil review produk dari PC World :

What's the difference between the N120 netbook and the N110? A little more horsepower but a little less battery life.

Samsung is continuing its run at the netbook market with incremental tweaks to design and function, and that's where the N120, blood brother of the Samsung N110, comes in. You won't find anything revolutionary here, just some nice extras that give you a little more choice.

The first thing you'll notice upon opening the N120 is the mirrorlike reflection from the glossy 10.1-inch panel. While the N120's screen looks great under ideal lighting conditions indoors, you'll have to deal with annoying glare pretty much everywhere else. Cranking up the screen's brightness will mostly compensate for the problem, and once you get accustomed to the glossy finish, you'll find a crisp, good-looking screen.

On our test machine the default color settings were slightly red-shifted, but we easily remedied that with the bundled color-correction software. Once properly balanced, the colors were quite good; videos and still images looked well balanced and natural. Text was sharp too, and the 1024-by-600-pixel resolution is good enough for most computing tasks.

The N120's touchpad is also well made, sporting a virtual scroll bar along the right side to make screen navigation easier. You get only a single rocker button for both left- and right-clicking, however, so if you're used to feeling for a separate button instinctively, the N120 will take some getting used to.

If you've been put off by puny netbook keyboards and you want some extra room, note that the N120's keys are a little larger than those of the N110. To accommodate the bigger keys, the N120 is nearly a half inch wider than its predecessor, a fair trade-off for a bit more typing room. As nice as that is, though, the key layout is still almost as cramped as that of any other netbook.

You get some handy shortcut keys. One launches Samsung Magic Doctor, which can perform a full system diagnosis and restore. The Speed Manager button toggles between silent, normal, and speed mode so that you can adjust performance and battery power conservation. For globetrotters, the N120 even has a euro key.

Overall the N120 has nice fit and finish, sporting trim lines and a logical layout that's very similar to the N110's. Even with a slightly larger chassis, it doesn't have much room for a lot of extras. Still, the external ports--VGA-out, three USB ports, and microphone and headphone jacks--give you pretty much everything you'd want. The RAM slot is also readily accessible after you make a few turns of a Phillips screwdriver, and you can easily remove the battery by using two sliding latches. It's a handsome, functional netbook.

Though the N120 managed to earn generally higher benchmark scores than the N110, it still isn't a barn burner. The boost in performance comes mainly from the upgrade to DDR2 800 RAM. Everything else under the hood is essentially the same: It has a 1.6GHz Intel Atom N270 CPU, a 160GB hard drive, and an Intel 945 video chipset.

On the downside, the N120 uses a less powerful battery than the N110 does, and in testing its battery life was about 40 minutes shorter than that of the N110--even so, the N120's excellent 7 hours, 43 minutes of battery life is nothing short of awesome. In the end, the N120 locked in a total WorldBench 6 score of 35, versus the N110's 36.

The N120 carries a subwoofer for upgraded sound over the N110. While the dedicated low-end speaker does offer a bit of bass, audio distortion and clipping are still problematic, as it is with all but the most advanced portable computers. The built-in speakers are good for basic sound, but the subwoofer doesn't add much to the mix. Just use a good set of headphones, and you'll enjoy quality sound from the N120's sound chip.

Like the N110, the N120 comes with an excellent suite of software that features backup, restore, and network software that's easier to use than XP's interface. A clearly written, organized, and detailed user guide, also loaded onto the hard drive, describes everything from hardware functions to tips for using the included software. Samsung did really well here, and made the user experience much friendlier than most.

Samsung's N120 is a nice alternative to the N110 if you're willing to give up some battery power for a slightly roomier keyboard and small bumps in performance. The good news is that they cost the same ($439), so you won't pay a price for your choice. Whether you'll notice the snappier performance or miss the extra battery life more is up to you. If you want a solid netbook that looks good, works well, and does pretty much anything you ask it to without complaining, the N120 is a worthy choice for anyone seeking an ultracompact travel companion.

Sumber :
Darren Gladstone
Baca Selengkapnya - Samsung N120

Asus EEE PC 1008HA

Ini adalah hasil review produk dari PC World :

Asus's next netbook might make you look twice. It's sexy, it's white--but it's not a Mac.

It's thin, sleek, and light, and at least one Macworld editor is eyeballing it with interest. Nevertheless, the Asus Eee PC 1008HA netbook is no MacBook. Asus seems to be spitting out new additions to its netbook line faster than I can count. (Who can forget the Asus Eee PC 1000HE, the Asus Eee PC 1000H 80G XP, and the Asus Eee PC T91? It ain't easy, since all three came out in the past six months or so.) Nevertheless, the company's designers continue to find ways to refine their machines. The proof is in this new $420 (as of May 26, 2009) netbook.

Under its frosty exterior, the system sports up-to-the-minute netbook innards: an Intel Atom N280 CPU, 1GB of RAM, a 160GB hard drive, Bluetooth, 802.11n, and a three-cell battery (that survived tests in the PC World Test Center for four hours, 55 minutes).

The keyboard is 92 percent of full size, with a good layout, and it feels big and comfortable. The buttons were firm and large enough to type on easily. Even the metallic mouse-button bar was reasonably secure--and I especially like Asus's treatment of the touchpad. Instead of using dainty trim or a different material to indicate that you're within the strike zone, this model incorporates tiny bumps. As aresult, the netbook looks as though it has a mild rash. But more to the point, it feels really good. Navigating Web sites was a piece of cake.

To accommodate the 1008HA's thin-and-light design, Asus had to drop a few ports--and in the process it made an interesting design move: In a hidden compartment on the underside of the netbook sits a VGA adapter dongle. When you need it, you simply pop it out and plug it into the mini-USB port on one side of the machine. This clever move retains the functionality while reducing the size, and it minimizes the chance of losing dongles. (Another smart tactic is evident in the Sony VAIO P netbook, which sneaks the VGA dongle onto its power supply...but I digress.) Otherwise, on the 1008HA you'll find the usual retinue of connection options hiding behind flaps: an ethernet hookup, two USB ports, an SD Card reader, and headphone and microphone jacks.

As for the 10.1-inch screen, it looks sufficiently sharp and crisp at its native 1024-by-600-pixel resolution. (You can scale this setting higher in an emulated mode.) Colors pop when you tilt the display at just the right angle--as is the case with most laptops and netbooks. Also typically, the screen's glossy coating will leave you squinting when you try to view it in broad daylight.

How does it perform? It falls right in the zone for netbooks. Scoring a little on the high side, it ranks a 38 in PC WorldBench tests (the average, to date, hovers around 35). So obviously, you're fully covered on your basic office documents and Web surfing needs.

Considering its price, size, style and performance, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the Eee PC 1008HA is a sleek, solid netbook choice and definitely worth a look.

Sumber :
Darren Gladstone
Baca Selengkapnya - Asus EEE PC 1008HA

Asus EEE PC 1000HE

Ini adalah hasil review produk dari PC World :

A smart netbook that not only gets the design right -- and it's priced to move.

The streamlined and redesigned Asus Eee PC 1000HE takes no prisoners. While the previous Asus Eee PC 1000 offered a solid netbook, Acer's Aspire One stole all the attention with its lean and incredibly affordable approach. With the latest incarnation of the Eee PC 1000, the "HE" might as well stand for "Holy Enhancement!" This model bears only a passing resemblance to last year's Eee PC, and improves upon just about everything from the keyboard to the CPU. Better yet, in addition to losing some unsightly girth, Asus also trimmed the price to $400.

Let's take a quick tour around the machine to kick this off. The first, most obvious thing you'll spot is the cut-out keyboard. Just like you'd find on an Apple MacBook Air or on Sony VAIO laptops, the keys poke through the plastic, creating a wide gap between buttons. In that respect, this feels and looks great, and is generally more usable. The trackpad is just spacious enough -- I particularly like its metal framing and the few multitouch functions incorporated into the design. However, I found the pad slightly twitchy to control. No deal-breaker, but I noticed.

You also get a couple handy shortcut buttons hovering along the top of the unit. They do everything from give the CPU a speed boost (more on that below) and user-definable shortcuts to a screen resolution adapter. That is, you can view 1024-by-768 resolutions even though the native resolution of the 1000HE is 1024 by 600 -- it's a special compression mode that Lenovo employs in the IdeaPad S10 as well, and represents a convenience given that some applications default to a 1024-by-768-pixel resolution and won't work otherwise.

This unit's 10.1-inch backlit LED display is bright and capable of good color reproduction; its glossy coating helps the image pop a little more than you usually see on netbooks. However, the highly polished bezel that keeps the screen in place can get a little distracting at times.

A number of aerodynamic nips and tucks make this 10.3-by-7.4-by-1.4-inch netbook just a hair thinner than the older, clunkier Eee PC 1000 we reviewed last year. It's also a little on the "heavy" side for a netbook, weighing 3.2 pounds. That's the price of strapping an 8700mAH battery to the bottom of this thing; Asus promises that the 1000HE will deliver 9.5 hours of performance (but we got a solid seven hours, nine minutes in our tests).In short, netbooks in this generation are finally packing the battery power required for marathon computing sessions.

Speaking of performance, the Asus Eee PC 1000HE sports Intel's 1.66-GHz Atom N280 CPU. For the sake of comparison, most of the netbooks that came out late last year used the N270 CPU, which runs at a lower frequency (1.6-GHz) and a slower frontside bus speed (533MHz as compared with 667 MHz in the N280). The difference, however, was minimal. Our test unit got a 35 in WorldBench: an average score for what you'll find in netbooks.

The Asus comes with 1GB of RAM, a 160GB hard disk drive, and 802.11b/g/n /Bluetooth wireless. Around the perimeter of chassis lies a fairly standard set of three USB 2.0 inputs.

The audio, as on the Eee PC 1000, sounds surprisingly strong for its size. But it lacks a good subwoofer, so don't expect to rock a house party with this thing. Other notable features thrown into the mix: InterVideo WinDVD (which seems to be a little bit of overkill, I'd recommend you try out KMPlayer), and 18 months of 10GB of free online storage.

In the end, this is a fairly solid -- and sizable -- jump over what's come out just a few months earlier. In fact, I'd dare say that amongst the netbook pack, this is one of my current favorites and something that I'd highly recommend that you check out. Considering that its selling in some places for as little as $380, you could do worse.

Sumber :
Darren Gladstone
Baca Selengkapnya - Asus EEE PC 1000HE

Toshiba NB205-312

Ini adalah hasil review produk dari PC World :

Toshiba's NB205 is a great value, packed with a collection of fantastic features and a marathon-ready battery life.

Toshiba may be new to netbooks, but the company is no stranger to small. Toshiba's NB205-N310 ($400) jumps into the market and claims a top spot in our rankings. This primo portable not only delivers where it counts with the longest battery life to date, it does so with panache and some great design decisions. In short, Toshiba has come a long way since blazing trails with its Libretto subnotebooks in the 1990s.

I'm going to start this review with the NB205's only real "downer": its pedestrian speed and guts. The guts are a 1.6GHz Intel Atom N280 CPU, 1GB of RAM, and a 160GB 5400-rpm hard drive, which together earned the NB205 a rather standard performance score of 36 in PC WorldBench 6. But that's about the only thing that I'd classify as "average" about the NB205-N310.

Toshiba spokespeople say that the NB205-N310's six-cell battery can last for almost 9 hours. Wrong. In our tests, the NB205 survives a staggering 9 hours, 53 minutes. For a little perspective, that is easily the longest time so far that a netbook has been able to run--and this is with the standard battery on board. That alone catapults this netbook's worth to a top pick on the charts.

A killer keyboard and a touchpad to match are essential for a champion netbook. After all, how useful is a machine if you can't type on it without hurting your hands? Toshiba scores by making the Chiclet-size cutout keys just big enough, and by dropping down a huge touchpad. This is simply the best netbook mouse pad to date. For starters, the surface area of the strike zone is larger than that on many full-size laptops! Next, the beefy mouse buttons camp at the southern edge of the machine--easing hand strain. My physical therapist would approve.

The N310 has good (though occasionally muted) color reproduction and supports a reasonably precise resolution of 1024 by 600 pixels on its glossy 10.1-inch screen. I noticed some dark spots that got washed into a splotch or two--but otherwise, the images looked plenty sharp.

Its configuration looks fairly standard on the surface: three USB ports, an SDHC card reader, a Webcam, one VGA-out, ethernet, and headphone and microphone jacks. But it's put together in a 2.9-pound package and with a sense of style that doesn't look or feel cheap at all.

Toshiba also adds a few extras to the NB205-N310 that are sure to appeal to folks on the go--and even more so to IT departments looking to deploy cheap PCs to a mobile workforce. One notable perk is a pass-through USB port that enables users to charge USB-powered devices while the computer is off. This netbook also provides an internal accelerometer to protect the hard drive in case of falls (much as the HP Mini 2140 does)--and it offers wireless WAN support as an option.

As a quick heads-up, another version of the NB205 is waiting in the wings--the lighter, scrappier NB205-N210. The big differences between these sibling Toshiba netbooks boil down to price (the N210 costs $350, $50 less than the N310), key shape (the N210 has flat, wide keys, as opposed to the N310's cut-out style), and the N310's bluetooth support (the N210 doesn't have it).

But considering all the features packed into the N310--and how well it performs in a pinch--this is an easy-to-recommend netbook that's perfect whether you are a budget-minded businessman or you just need a flexible minimachine for a long day of note-taking. If this netbook ponied up a little more horsepower (a discrete GPU wouldn't hurt), I'd probably use this as my go-to gadget.

Sumber :
Darren Gladstone
Baca Selengkapnya - Toshiba NB205-312

"Morning Sickness" Bikin IQ Anak Tinggi

VIVAnews - Meski rasanya sangat menyiksa bagi ibu hamil, mual di pagi hari atau morning sickness ternyata ada juga manfaatnya. Penelitian juga membuktikan mual dan muntah selama hamil tidak merugikan justru akan mendorong perkembangan mental anak dalam jangka panjang.

Anak yang ibunya mengalami morning sickness terbukti memiliki daya pikir (IQ) yang lebih tajam. Riset dilakukan pada 121 orang anak Kanada yang berumur 3 hingga 7 tahun dalam serangkaian tes IQ, memori, dan kemampuan berbahasa.

Sebagai tambahan, ibu yang menggunakan obat-obatan pengurang mual tidak mengurangi efek positif tersebut. Bahkan, anak yang ibunya memperoleh bantuan medis selama morning sickness menunjukkan skor rata-rata tertinggi dalam tes tersebut.

Obat-obatan pengurang rasa mual justru meningkatkan kualitas hidup sang ibu selama hamil dan terbukti tidak memberikan efek samping.

Mual dan muntah selama hamil sangat umum terjadi, terutama pada tiga bulan pertama. Hal itu dikarenakan berhubungan dengan perubahan hormon yang dibutuhkan dalam perkembangan plasenta.

Salah satu teori yang berlaku secara umum, "morning sickness" merupakan pertanda kehamilan yang sehat.

Riset dilakukan pada 45 orang anak yang ibunya menenggak obat-obatan pengurang rasa mual, 47 orang anak yang ibunya mengalami "morning sickness" tapi tidak mengkonsumsi obat-obatan, dan 29 orang anak lainnya yang ibunya tidak mengalami mual dan muntah selama hamil.

Hasil tes membuktikan, skor tertinggi terjadi pada dua kelompok pertama yang ibunya mengalami "morning sickness". Dan skor makin menanjak seiring makin akutnya mual yang diderita.

Sumber :
By Elin Yunita Kristanti, Elly Setyo Rini - VIVANews
Baca Selengkapnya - "Morning Sickness" Bikin IQ Anak Tinggi

Penawaran Frekuensi 3G Segera Berakhir

Batas akhir untuk mengajukan tambahan frekuensi 3G akan ditutup 5 Agustus 2009. Satu-satunya operator yang telah menyetujui harga Rp 160 miliar untuk second carrier 5 MHz di pita lebar seluler tersebut baru Telkomsel saja.

"Telkomsel sudah ok dengan reserved price annual base yang disetujui Departemen Keuangan. Sedangkan operator lain belum," ungkap Dirjen Postel Basuki Yusuf Iskandar, saat ditemui detikINET di gedung Depkominfo, Jakarta, baru-baru ini.

Selain Telkomsel, operator lain yang juga mengantungi lisensi seluler 3G adalah Indosat, Excelcomindo Pratama (XL), Natrindo Telepon Seluler (Axis), dan Hutchison CP Telecommunication Indonesia (Tri/3). Lima operator ini sama-sama mengantungi 5 MHz untuk 3G.

Namun idealnya, frekuensi 3G yang seharusnya dimiliki operator selebar 15 MHz, paling minim 10 MHz. "Dari awal memang sudah kami desain 10 MHz untuk masing-masing operator. Tinggal komitmen mereka saja kepada negara untuk membayar sesuai yang disepakati bersama untuk mendapatkan tambahan 5 MHz lagi, Rp 160 miliar," terang Basuki.

Operator selain Telkomsel yang juga memiliki lisensi 3G, bukannya tak ingin segera menambah frekuensi. Namun mereka menilai harganya saat ini tidak masuk akal jika melihat kondisi pasar. Meski begitu, mereka juga tetap menimbang segala kemungkinan, termasuk memenuhi keinginan pemerintah dengan membayar sesuai harga.

Wajar saja, operator 3G seperti Indosat dan XL, misalnya, sangat butuh untuk memperluas jalan di pita lebar seluler itu. Jika tidak, kapasitas jaringan mereka tak akan sanggup memenuhi lonjakan trafik pelanggan yang kian menggila. Contoh nyatanya yang dialami Indosat selama beberapa bulan belakangan ini lewat layanan broadband IM2 miliknya.

Indosat sendiri mengaku masih melakukan berbagai pertimbangan dalam hal penambahan frekuensi ini. "Keputusan resmi jawaban dari Indosat baru akan disampaikan besok," ujar Chief Marketing Officer Indosat Guntur Siboro, di lain kesempatan.

Senada dengan Indosat, XL pun tak mau buru-buru menyampaikan jawaban sampai tenggat waktu yang dipinta pemerintah berakhir. "Kami masih melakukan pembicaraan internal dan belum memutuskan apakah akan mengambil atau tidak. Namun pastinya, kami akan terus mengkaji secara intensif sampai last minute," tandas Presdir XL, Hasnul Suhaimi.

Sumber :
Baca Selengkapnya - Penawaran Frekuensi 3G Segera Berakhir

Fakta Dibalik Mitos-mitos Seks

VIVAnews – Mitos tentang seks menjadi momok bagi mereka yang baru berkenalan dengan aktivitas ini. Lebih sedikit Anda tahu, lebih besar risiko yang dihadapi. Temukan fakta dari enam mitos seks berikut.

Mitos 1 Tak Bisa Hamil Jika Lakukan Seks Sambil Berdiri
Faktanya, sperma merupakan perenang kelas olimpiade dengan satu misi utama, menemukan sel telur dan membuahinya. Mitos yang berdasarkan asumsi teori gravitasi tersebut dinilai salah. Teori dimana sperma semakin sulit untuk berenang melawan gravitasi membuat semakin sulit untuk hamil, tidaklah benar. Sperma dapat berenang ke segala arah, dan mereka berenang sangat cepat.

Mitos 2 Tak Bisa Hamil Jika Ejakulasi di Luar
Apakah Anda berpikir jika seorang pria tidak melakukan ejakulasi di dalam, maka tidak akan ada sperma yang akan bersentuhan dengan sel telur? Anda salah. Pria menghasilkan, dalam jumlah sangat sedikit, cairan yang disebut “pra ejakulasi” yang melekat dengan sperma. Pria mampu mengeluarkannya kapan pun selama melakukan seks tanpa menyadarinya. Sekalipun pasangan Anda mengeluarkan “tongkat”nya sesaat sebelum ejakulasi, sangat mungkin mereka telah mendepositkan sperma.

Mitos 3 Gunakan Vibrator Bikin Kecanduan
Faktanya, jika Anda mengalami klimaks lebih cepat dan lebih mudah dengan bantuan vibrator, alat tersebut tidak akan merusak kemampuan Anda untuk mencapai orgasme denga pasangan. Anda akan tetap mendapatkan orgasme jika saja mau sedikit bersabar, tapi seringkali lebih suka menggunakan cara cepat dari vibrator. Untuk menghindari dari efek samping atas ketidakpedean Anda, sebaiknya singkirkan alat tersebut untuk beberapa bulan, dan Anda akan mendapatkan kembali respon dari jari dan lidah.

Mitos 4 Bigger is Better
Beberapa wanita mempunyai preferensi pada ukuran. Ukuran yang besar tidak secara otomatis menciptakan seks yang menakjubkan. Faktanya, wanita seringkali mengeluh pada pasangan yang memiliki “ukuran” terlalu besar. Banyak kenikmatan erotis ketimbang memikirkan ukuran. Misalnya, bagaimana seorang pria menggunakan tangan atau mulutnya, bahkan saat seorang wanita terlihat seksi sebelum menuju ranjang.

Mitos 5 Semua Wanita Alami Orgasme Melalui Penetrasi Vagina
Hanya 20% hingga 30% dari wanita mencapai orgasme melalui proses intercourse, jadi jangan malu karenanya. Letakkan tangan Anda pada klitoris sepanjang seks akan menambah kesempatan untuk mendapatkan orgasme.

Mitos 6 G-Spot Segalanya
Seperti kota hilang Atlantis, lokasi tepat area “penuh kenikmatan” ini masih menjadi perdebatan hebat. Tidak ada satu kesimpulan dimana untuk menemukan G-Spot. Beberapa peneliti mengatakan jaringan kelenjar halus di sekeliling ureter tersebut bisa ditemukan sekitar dua inchi di dalam vagina. peneliti lai mengatakan, G-Spot terletak di area segitiga di balik dinding kandung kemih, yang disebut T zone. Menemukan lokasi G-spot mungkin menjadi krusial, karena saraf-saraf sensitivitas tubuh terletak di sana.

Sumber :
Baca Selengkapnya - Fakta Dibalik Mitos-mitos Seks

Dijemput Ananda Mikola, Marcella Zalianty Tersipu Malu

Kabar Ananda Mikola menjalin cinta dengan Marcella Zalianty sudah lama berhembus. Marcella memang selalu membantah kabar itu. Namun pada Minggu (2/8/2009), Ananda terlihat menjemput Marcella.

Saat itu Marcella baru saja menjadi pembicara di acara 'Who Wants To Be a Film Maker' di Taman Ismail Marzuki, Cikini, Jakarta Pusat. Seusai mengisi acara dan meladeni permintaan wawancara sejumlah media, Marcella pun bergegas pergi.

Ternyata Marcella tidak pulang sendiri, sudah ada Ananda yang menunggunya. Menyadari ada keberadaan wartawan di dekatnya, Marcella pun tersipu malu.

"Aduh sudah yah, terimakasih," ucapnya singkat dengan tersipu malu dan sembari berjalan cepat.

Ananda dan Marcella pun naik ke mobil yang sama, Range Rover hitam B 480 AM.

Sumber :
Baca Selengkapnya - Dijemput Ananda Mikola, Marcella Zalianty Tersipu Malu

Dana Minim, Indonesia Cuma Kirim 150 Atlet ke Laos

BANGKOK, - Komandan Pelatnas SEA Games 2009 Djoko Pramono mengungkapkan, jumlah atlet yang akan dikirim ke SEA Games Laos bulan Desember mendatang kemungkinan hanya sekitar 150 atlet.  

"Anggaran yang kami terima sangat terbatas, setelah kami hitung dengan dana yang ada, cuma cukup memberangkatkan sekitar 150 atlet," kata Djoko ketika ditanya persiapan pelatnas SEA Games di sela-sela acara pembukaan Asian Martial Arts Games I di Bangkok, Thailand, Sabtu (1/8).  

Djoko hadir di Bangkok untuk memantau penampilan sebangian besar atlet beladiri yang masuk dalam nominasi atlet SEA Games mendatang.  

Djoko menyebutkan, tahun ini pemerintah (Kantor Kementerian Negara Pemuda dan Olah raga) hanya mengalokasikan anggaran sebesar Rp 20 miliar untuk pemberangkatan kontingen ke lima event olahraga internasional.  

Lima event itu, yakni Asian Youth Games di Singapura bulan awal Juli lalu, Asian Martial Arts Games I di Thailand, Islamic Solidaritas Games II di Iran, Asian Indoor Games III di Vietnam dan SEA Games XXV di Laos.  

Dari dana Rp 20 miliar itu, alokasi dana untuk SEA Games hanya sekitar Rp 10 miliar sampai Rp 12 miliar. "Setelah kami rinci dana sebesar itu hanya cukup untuk memberangkatkan sekitar 150 atlet," kata Djoko.

Sumber :
Baca Selengkapnya - Dana Minim, Indonesia Cuma Kirim 150 Atlet ke Laos

BI Rate Turun, Kredit Sektor Konsumsi Naik

VIVAnews- Penurunan BI Rate yang diikuti oleh penurunan suku bunga SBI membuat perbankan mengalihkan dananya ke instrumen yang menghasilkan yield lebih tinggi. Akibatnya bank banyak memberikan kucuran kredit ke sektor konsumer dibandingkan kredit investasi dan modal kerja.

Menurut ekonom The Indonesia Economic Intelligence (IEI) Sri Yani Kusumastuti, selama 5 bulan (Januari-Mei) kredit sektor konsumsi naik Rp 17 triliun dari Rp 367,165 triliun pada Januari 2009 menjadi Rp 384,77 triliun. Sementara kredit investasi hanya naik Rp 3 triliun dari Rp 259 triliun menjadi Rp 262,46 triliun. Sedangkan kredit modal kerja justru menurun Rp 5,21 triliun dari Rp 663 triliun ke Rp 658 triliun.

Suku bunga deposito yang dibayarkan ke nasabah juga lebih tinggi dibanding SBI. Bank masih lambat menurunkan suku bunga deposito karena persepsi risiko masih tinggi. "DPK bank masih didominasi dengan dana mahal," katanya di Jakarta Minggu 2 Agustus 2009.

Suku bunga kredit konsumsi masih berada di kisaran 18 persen, atau mengalami turun tipis. Berbeda dengan suku bunga kredit modal kerja yang sudah mulai menunjukkan penurunan di kisaran 15 persen.

Penurunan bunga kredit tidak serta merta mendorong pertumbuhan kredit, karena melemahnya permintaan kredit akibat aktivitas ekonomi yang ikut melemah.

Bank juga mewaspadai lonjakan kredit macet (non performing loan/NPL) yang sudah terlihat. NPL yang naik di sektor perindustrian dari 5,41 persen pada 2008 menjadi 7,81 persen pada Mei 2009, sektor konstruksi dari 3,16 persen menjadi 5,35 persen.

Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan intermediasi perlu didukung dengan kemudahan restrukturisasi kredit sebelum menjadi kredit bermasalah. Bank sebaiknya diberi ruang untuk melakukan restrukturisasi kredit lancar sebelum menjadi bermasalah tanpa harus masuk kategori NPL.

"Agar bank BUMN dapat memperoleh pendapatan demi peningkatan modal, maka sebaiknya bank BUMN diberi kelonggaran untuk memberikan potongan pokok kredit untuk restrukturisasi kredit macet," katanya.

Sumber :
By Elin Yunita Kristanti, Nur Farida Ahniar - VIVA News
Baca Selengkapnya - BI Rate Turun, Kredit Sektor Konsumsi Naik

Daftar Penumpang Merpati yang Hilang di Papua, Jakarta: Pihak maskapai Merpati menyatakan, hingga Ahad (2/8) malam, belum mengetahui keberadaan pesawat jenis Twin Otter yang hilang kontak di pegunungan Bintang, Papua. Pun demikian dengan nasib tiga awak dan 12 penumpang yang dua di antaranya adalah bayi. Dengan demikian, pihak Merpati belum bisa memastikan pesawat mengalami kecelakaan.

Rencananya, besok pukul 06.00 WIT, tim Search and Rescue (SAR) gabungan, termasuk TNI Angkatan Udara dan Komite Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi, berencana menyisir 12 titik. Pencarian akan dimulai dari Jayapura, Papua [baca: Pesawat Merpati Hilang Kontak di Papua].

Saat konferensi pers di Jakarta, Ahad malam, Presiden Direktur Merpati Airlines Bambang Bhakti mengatakan, 10 menit setelah tinggal landas pesawat Twin Otter masih sempat melakukan kontak dengan menara pengawas. Namun, 30 menit kemudian atau pukul 10.28 WIT, petugas menara pengawas kehilangan kontak dengan pesawat di sekitar Melam, Papua, dekat pegunungan Bintang yang memiliki ketinggian 12.000 kaki atau sekitar 3.650 meter di atas permukaan laut. Saat itu kondisi cuaca dilaporkan dalam keadaan baik.

Pesawat bernomor penerbangan MZ 9760 D itu terbang dari Bandar Udara Sentani, Jayapura menuju Oksibil, ibu kota Kabupaten Pegunungan Bintang, Papua. Saat terbang, pesawat ini menampung bahan bakar untuk penerbangan selama dua jam 50 menit. Sedangkan jarak estimasi antara Jayapura menuju Oksibil hanya 55 menit perjalanan. Adapun dalam keterangan pers tersebut, pihak Merpati bertelewicara dengan Direktur Operasional Merpati Kapten Nikmatullah. Ia pun menegaskan pesawat dalam kondisi laik terbang [baca: Direktur Operasional Merpati: Pesawat Masih Prima].

Pesawat Merpati jenis DHC 6 Twin Otter buatan Kanada itu terakhir menjalani perawatan pada 24 Juli silam. Pesawat diawaki pilot Kapten Qadrianova dan kopilot Pramudya Purwoadi, serta teknisi Supriadi.(ANS)

Berikut daftar nama penumpang pesawat Merpati yang hilang:
  1. Lauren
  2. Yustinus
  3. Nelvina
  4. Nutolo (bayi dari Nelvina)
  5. Yohanes
  6. Basilius
  7. Edy
  8. Martina
  9. Oliver (bayi dari Martina)
  10. Yanes
  11. Yakob
  12. Simon
Sumber :
Baca Selengkapnya - Daftar Penumpang Merpati yang Hilang di Papua

Pensiun di Kampung, JK Bangun Disneyland Makassar

MAKASSAR - Hari kedua di kampung halaman, JK mengundang wartawan lokal dan Jakarta untuk sarapan pagi bersama di halaman belakang rumahnya. Saat sarapan pagi itu, JK banyak bercerita tentang berbagai pelanggaran Pilpres 2009.

Saat bercerita, tidak ada kesan kemarahan atau kekecewaan di matanya, semua dituturkan dengan santai. Atas 'curhat' di pagi itu, JK meminta agar wartawan tidak mempublikasikannya.

Usai sarapan pagi, JK menyempatkan diri untuk meninjau pembangunan Trans Kalla, semacam Disneyland ala Makassar ini akan diselesaikan pada tahun 2015. Trans Kalla merupakan Family Entertainment Center pertama di Indonesia yang terletak di Makassar. Proyek ini dikembangkan oleh Trans Corp dan Kalla Group.

Di areal seluas 10 hektar ini terdapat klub keluarga, pusat perbelanjaan, kompleks bisnis dan hiburan. Termasuk trans studio yang akan selesai akhir 2009. Trans Kalla merupakan taman hiburan indoor dan terbesar di Asia Tenggara.

Menjelang zuhur, JK ditemani beberapa anggota keluarganya berziarah di makam ayahanda H Kalla, ibunda Hj Atirah Kalla dan Adik kandungnya Salman Kalla. Di makam ketiganya, JK tampak berdoa dengan penuh kekhusyuan, setelah menabur bunga JK pun meninggalkan areal pemakaman Arab, Palestina, dan India itu.

Usai makan siang, JK langsung bertolak ke Jakarta untuk melanjutkan tugas-tugas negara di sisa masa jabatannya sebagai Wakil Presiden.(hri)

Sumber :
Maria Ulfa Eleven Safa
Baca Selengkapnya - Pensiun di Kampung, JK Bangun Disneyland Makassar

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